Introduction to Tri-card Poker

Today, it is poker that holds the crown for most played casino games in the world. Nothing can beat the charm of this game. Another great poker game is tri-card poker and this poker has won the heart of many poker players. Just like Texas hold 'em, 3-card poker is a popular card game in most casinos. According to History, this game was introduced by Derek Webb during 1994. This game was known as Casino Brag or Brit-Brag before it was called 3 card poker. Webb applied and granted patent for this game in United Kingdom and United States, so he begun marketing the 3 card poker with the use of prime table game.

3 card Poker Rules

The table game for poker usually has 3 betting sections such as ante, play and pair plus. All players should first place bets on the ante section, where they also need to place pairs and wagers. Right after all players place their bets, the dealer will deal each player with 3 cards. This is where the name 3 card poker came from. You will play against the dealer instead of playing against other players. Right after you have received 3 cards, you need to decide whether you will bet or fold. The bet must be greater than or equal than the first ante bet.

The hand of the dealer is valid when they are holding a Queen or a much better card. When the dealer got the Queen, it will be compared to other cards and decide which hand has better cards. In case that the dealer does not hold the Queen, then all players who have not folded will automatically win the game. When it comes to 3 card poker, it is the straight flush which has the best hand. The next best hand is three-of-a-kind followed by straight, flush, pair and the last one is high card hand.

Strategies and Odds

The 3 card poker is the easiest poker game to play because you only need to deal with three cards. Just like other poker games, there are no exact rules to ensure winning. The best strategy to win 3 card pokers is to bet when you think that your cards are better than Queen, 6 or 4. This poker game gives small house edge, if you are a player you can play anywhere. Some player only plays where odds are good and it all depends according to table payout. It is better if you will play tri card poker game with large payout when it comes to straight and flush. In that way you can get more chances to win and you will not be affected by small house edge.

A first time player like you should research and experience how the 3 card poker is played. This is the only way for you to find out if you have better future in this poker game. There are lots of online casinos that can offer free trial game for tri-card poker, it is better to take advantage of this opportunity.